Fruit and vegetables in English and Burmese
Tr. Thu ๐
Fruit and vegetables in English and Burmese
Tr. Thu ๐
What is Democracy for Myanmar students
~ MT Edu ~
Tr. Thu ๐
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Essential grammar in use (Raymond Murphy) (red, 4th edition)๐๐๐
Grammar in use (Raymond Murphy) (blue, 4th edition, intermediate level)๐๐๐
Cambridge Active Grammar แ ာแกုแ်แွေ แီแှာ แ ုแေးแားแါแแ်.
Active Grammar Level 1๐๐๐
Active Grammar Level 2๐๐๐
Active Grammar Level 3 ๐๐๐
Tr. Thu ๐
26.8.21 Group3 Free classes
Prefixes super-, dis-, pre-, semi-, uni-๐๐๐
A prefix is a word part that is added to the beginning of a word.
A prefix changes the meaning of the word.
super- means “more than” dis- means “not; away”
pre- means “before” semi- means “half”
uni- means “one”
August Day4 Free classes by Teacher Thu
Needs and Wants๐๐๐
Oxford Discover 1, Unit 12 Page 117-119๐๐๐
Oxford Discover 1, Unit 11 ๐๐๐
needs แแှိแแြแ ်แော แกแာแျား။ แိုแกแ်แျแ်แျား။
What is a Need?
A need is something which is essential in order to live.
It is necessary for survival and something you can’t live without.
essential แုแျแိုแกแ် แော။ แแာแแျแော။
live แှแ်แแ်။ แกแแ်แှိแแ်။ แေแแ်။
necessary แိုแกแ်แော
survival แေးแกแ္แแာแ် แွแ်แြောแ်แြแ်း แို့ แแ်แแ် แှแ်แแ် แိုแ်แေ
What is a Want?
A want is something you would like to have which would make your life
more comfortable or enjoyable.
It is not necessary for survival and you can live without it.
wants แกแိုแแ္แ။ แိုแกแ်။
survive แกแแ် แแ် แแ်။
produce แုแ်แုแ်แแ်။ แုแ် แแ်။
Needs include
water, clean air, clothes, shelter, food and medical care.
Wants include
TV, mobile phones, games, designer trainers, computer games, sweets, etc.
Tr. Thu ๐
Today we are going to learn 'funny words'. (๐๐Please download PDF file here.)
Past simple irregular verbs forms (๐Please download PDF!)
Today we are going to learn "Past simple: irregular verb forms". An irregular verb means it is not following the usual rules of grammar. For example, ‘eat’ is an irregular verb because its past tense is ‘ate’ and its past participle is ‘eaten’, not ‘eated’. Likewise, 'hide' is an irregular verb because its past tense is 'hid' and its past participle is 'hid'.
Most verbs have a past tense and past participle with –ed:
For example, brush, brushed - wash, washed
But many of the most frequent verbs are irregular:
eat, ate, eaten แ ားแแ်
drink, drank, drunk แေแောแ်แแ်
take, took, taken แူแแ်
go, went, gone แွားแแ်
be was/were been แှိแแ်/แြแ ်แแ်
begin began begun แ แแ်แแ်
break broke broken แกแ်แွဲแ ေแแ်။ แွဲแแ်။ แျိုးแแ်။ แွဲแ ေแแ်။ แျแ်แ ီးแ ေแแ်။
bring brought brought แူแာแแ်။ แါแာแแ်။ แแ်แောแ် แာแแ်။ แေါ်แာแแ်။
buy bought bought แแ်แแ်။ แแ်แေးแแ်။
Past simple - regular verbs (๐Please Download PDF here.)
The simple past is formed using the verb + ed.
Statement: You called me.
Question: Did you call me?
Negative: You did not call me.
More examples:
walk walked
push pushed
greet greeted
cover covered
For regular verbs ending in the vowel -e, add –d.
base form simple past
hate hated
seize seized
hope hoped
assume assumed
tie tied
free freed
Tr. Thu
Newspaper Jargon (๐Please Download PDF here.)
Jargon (dสษหสณgษn)
The special vocabulary used by people who work at certain jobs is called jargon.
often derog … แ แား။ …แแ်းแ แား။
You use jargon to refer to words and expressions that are used in special or technical ways by particular groups of people, often making the language difficult to understand.
banking/computer/legal jargon.
~ jargons plural
Synonyms: parlance, slang, idiom, patter
The manual is full of the jargon of self-improvement courses.
Tr. Thu
5.8.21 (Group3 free classes by Tr. Thu)
Past Simple - was, were (๐download PDF here.)
was - past tense of am, is
were - past tense of are
I/he/she/it was
we/you/they were
was not = wasn't
were not = weren't
I was not hungry but I ate a hamburger. แါแိုแ်แแာแူး၊ แါแေแแ့်แါแแ်แာแါแ ားแဲ့แแ်။
She was in Yangon last week. แူแ แြီးแဲ့แแ့်แกแแ်แ แแ်แုแ်แွแ်แှိแေแဲ့แแ်။
She was not tired but she slept early. แူแแแแ်แแ်းแော်แแ်း แ ောแ ောแกိแ်แဲ့แแ်။
When I came, you were not in Mandalay. แါแာแုแ်းแแแ်းแ แแ္แแေးแှာแแုแ်แူး။
When was the last time you were home? แแ်းแกိแ်แှာ แှိแဲ့แာ แแ်แกแျိแ် แောแ်แုံးแဲ။
You were very special to me. แแ်းแแါ့แกแွแ် แกแแ်းแူးแြားแแ်။
Where were you last night? แแေ့แแ แแ်းแแ်แှာแဲ။
My baby was born today. แျွแ်แော့်แแေးแို แီแေ့แွေးแแ်။
Tr. Thu
5.8.21 (Group3 free classes by Tr. Thu)
Word Stories (๐download pdf here.)
Many words have interesting stories about their origins.
If you panic, you have a sudden and unreasonable fear.
แုแ်แแแ် แိแ်းแแိုแ် แိแ်းแแแောแ် แกောแ် แြောแ်แ ိแ်แแ်แြแ်း။ แြောแ် แ ိแ် แွှแ်แြแ်း။
The thought of flying fills me with panic.
แျီးแแ့်แ ာแ ား แြแ ်แုแ်แြแ်း။ แျောแ်แျားแွား แြแြแ်း။ แိแ်แိแ် แျာแျာ แြแ ်แြแ်း။
There was an immediate panic when the alarm sounded.
~ panics plural
แกแိแ်แแแ့် แြแ ်แ ေแแ်။ แြေแฆးแแ့်แာ แแ့်แြေး แ ေแแ်။
the crowd panicked and stampeded for the exit.
~ panics 3rd person; ~ panicked past and past participle; ~ panicking present participle
แူ၊ แိแแ ္แာแ်แို့ แแ့်၍ แกแ ုแိုแ်แกแြုံแိုแ် แแူးแှူးแိုးแြေးแแ်။
The cattle stampeded towards the river.
Something that is colorful and stands out is flashy.
แေแ္แแแ แแ ်แแ်္แแျှแာ แแ်းแแ်แောแ်แแော။
แงแာแ a gargantuan appetite/meal/task.
Something that is gargantuan is huge.
China is a fine pottery used to make dishes.
a china vase.
แြွေแแ်แแ ္แ แ်း
Shall we use the i.e our best china?
~ chinas plural
A pineapple is a fruit that looks like a pinecone.
Vandalism means the destruction of valued things.
แแ်แแแ်း แျแ်แီးแြแ်း။
Popcorn is made by heating corn kernels
แြောแ်းแူး။ แေါแ်แေါแ်။
A jeep is a powerful car with four-wheel drive.
trademark prop แ แ ်แုံးแกแြแ်းแံ แော်แော်แာแ် แกแแ်แ ား။ แျแ ်แား။
~ jeeps plural
funny bone
The place where a nerve passes your bended elbow is called a funny bone.
แံแောแ်แแ ်แှိแျแ်แြော
When you eavesdrop, you listen in on someone’s conversation.
Oxford Discover Book1, Unit 9
Group2 Free classes, 3.8.21 (7-8:15)
Oxford discover 1, Unit7&8 wrap up and Unit9 (๐Please download PDF here)
Unit 7&8 wrap up Homework
Make a seasons journal.
Fold and staple paper to make a journal.
Find and draw pictures and glue things in.
Show your seasons journal in the classroom. And tell the class about it.
Group 3, 29.7.21
Imperatives (๐PDF download here)
Present Simple and Present Continuous " Review" (๐PDF download here)
The sentence which is used to convey a command, a request, or a forbiddance is called an imperative sentence.
This type of sentence always takes the second person (you) for the subject but most of the time the subject remains hidden.
Bring me a glass of water.
Shut the back door.
Find my blue jacket.
Be there at five.
Clean your room.
Complete these by tomorrow.
Consider the pink dress.
Wait for me.
Get out!
Make sure you pack warm clothes.
Please be quiet.
Be nice to your friends.
Play ball!
Sit down and eat your lunch.
Review: Present simple and present continuous (๐PDF download here)
แแှိแแြแ ်แောแกแာ။ แกแေးแါแောแกแာ။
free movement of labor was an economic imperative.
grammar แ ေแိုแ်း แိแแ်။
In 'Go away!' the verb is an imperative/is in the imperative.
~ imperatives plural
fml แกแွแ်แกแေးแြီး แော။ แกแေးแါแော။
It is absolutely imperative that we make a quick decision.
fml แกแိแ့်แေးแော။ แ ေแိုแ်းแော။
an imperative tone of voice.
Group3 29.7.21
Coined Words (๐PDF download here!)
❙ Coined Words
When something new is invented, it needs a name.
A made-up name is called a coined word.
If you coin a word or a phrase, you are the first person to say it.
Jaron Lanier coined the term 'virtual reality' and pioneered its early development. [VERB noun]
An astronaut is the pilot of a spacecraft.
Noun แกာแာแแာแ်แှူး ~ astronauts plural
A suburb of a city or large town is a smaller area which is part of the city or large town but is outside its centre.
A community outside a large city is a suburb.
a quiet residential suburb.
~ suburbs plural
A car with a hatch in the back is a hatchback.
~ hatchbacks plural
Jazz is music with strong rhythm and an accented beat that falls in unusual places.
แกแေแိแแူแแ်းแို့ แ แแ် แီแွแ်แော แွแ်แแ်แ ွာ แီแွแ်แီးแှုแ်แိုแ်၍ แ แ်း แျแ် แါး แျแ် แြแ်းแแ့်แေးแျိုး။ แျแ္แ်แီแ။
traditional/modern jazz.
~ jazzes plural
A laptop is a small portable computer.
แแ်แแီแုံး แแ်แွဲแွแ်แျူแာ။
~ laptops plural
laptop computer
portable computer
A skyscraper is a very tall building.
แိုးแျှော်แိုแ်။ แိုးแိแိုแ်။
~ skyscrapers plural
Noun แိแာแ်။ They have bought some dreadful turreted edifice near Derby.
~ edifices plural
~ Edify แแ်แောแ်แแ်။ แ ာแိแ္แแွံ့แြိုးแกောแ် แုံးแแแ်။)
Nylon is a material made from chemicals.
This material is 45% nylon.
dated แกแျိုးแแီး แกแားแแ်แိုแ်แွแ် แြေแกိแ်แှแ်။
~ nylons plural
Prepared food that you take home to eat is called takeout.
A takeout is a store or restaurant which sells hot cooked food that you eat somewhere else.
in BRIT, use takeaway
A monorail is a train that runs on a single track.
แแ ်แแ်းแြေးแแား။ แြေแြแ်แှ แြှแ့်แားแေ့ แှိแแ်။
~ monorails plural
railroad line
railway line
railway system
An infomercial is a TV program that gives information and also sells a product.
Word forms: plural infomercials
An infomercial is a television programme in which a famous person gives information about a company's products or services, or a politician gives his or her opinions. The word is formed from 'information' and ' commercial'.