Mammals α‘αြောα်းαြောαားαာ αေ့αာαျα်αျှα် αီlink αို αှိα်αါ။
A dog is a type of mammalαို့αိုα်αα္ααါ that lives in many of our homes.
It is often called "man's best friend".
Dogs are loyalαα ္α ာαှိαော and easy to train.αေ့αျα့်αα်။ αα်αα်။
Baby dogs are called puppies. They cannot see or hear for the first two weeks of life. All puppies are born with blue eyes, but most change colour after a month or two.
Dogs come in all shapes and sizes! This is a beagle.
(A beagle α‘ိα်αွေး၊ α‘αဲαိုα်αွေးαုαေး။ is a short-haired black and brown dog with long ears and short legs. It is kept as a pet or sometimes used for hunting.)
A pair of golden retriever puppies.
Retriever dog/ puppy: A retriever is a kind of dog. Retrievers are traditionally used to bring back birds and animals which their owners have shot. αုαိုးαα ်αိုα်αော αှα် α αα်αို αြα် αောα် αူαα် αα်αေးαိုα် αα့် α‘αဲαိုα် αွေးαြီးαျိုး။
The Bulldog, also known as the English Bulldog or British Bulldog, is a medium-sized dog breed. It is a muscular, hefty αα်αာαော dog with a wrinkled face and a distinctive pushed-in nose.