Group 3, 29.7.21
Imperatives (๐PDF download here)
Present Simple and Present Continuous " Review" (๐PDF download here)
The sentence which is used to convey a command, a request, or a forbiddance is called an imperative sentence.
This type of sentence always takes the second person (you) for the subject but most of the time the subject remains hidden.
Bring me a glass of water.
Shut the back door.
Find my blue jacket.
Be there at five.
Clean your room.
Complete these by tomorrow.
Consider the pink dress.
Wait for me.
Get out!
Make sure you pack warm clothes.
Please be quiet.
Be nice to your friends.
Play ball!
Sit down and eat your lunch.
Review: Present simple and present continuous (๐PDF download here)
แแှိแแြแ ်แောแกแာ။ แกแေးแါแောแกแာ။
free movement of labor was an economic imperative.
grammar แ ေแိုแ်း แိแแ်။
In 'Go away!' the verb is an imperative/is in the imperative.
~ imperatives plural
fml แกแွแ်แกแေးแြီး แော။ แกแေးแါแော။
It is absolutely imperative that we make a quick decision.
fml แกแိแ့်แေးแော။ แ ေแိုแ်းแော။
an imperative tone of voice.