
26.8.21 Group3 Free classes

Prefixes super-, dis-, pre-, semi-, uni-πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ

A prefix is a word part that is added to the beginning of a word. 

A prefix changes the meaning of the word.

super- means “more than” dis- means “not; away”

pre- means “before” semi- means “half”

uni- means “one”

Needs and Wants for Myanmar students


August Day4 Free classes by Teacher Thu

Needs and WantsπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ

Oxford Discover 1, Unit 12 Page 117-119πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ

Oxford Discover 1, Unit 11 πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ

needs α€™α€›ှိα€™α€–ြα€…်α€žော ထရာα€™ျား။ α€œိုထပ်ချα€€်α€™ျား။

What is a Need?

A need is something which is essential in order to live. 

It is necessary for survival and something you can’t live without.


essential α€™ုချα€œိုထပ် α€žော။ ပဓာα€”α€€ျα€žော။

live α€›ှင်α€žα€Š်။ α€‘α€žα€€်α€›ှိα€žα€Š်။ α€”ေα€žα€Š်။

necessary α€œိုထပ်α€žော

survival α€˜ေးထန္တရာα€š် α€œွတ်α€™ြောα€€်ခြင်း α€žို့ ဆက်α€œα€€် α€›ှင်α€žα€”် α€”ိုင်α€›ေ

What is a Want?

A want is something you would like to have which would make your life 

more comfortable or enjoyable. 

It is not necessary for survival and you can live without it.


wants  α€‘α€œိုဆန္α€’။ α€œိုထင်။

survive α€‘α€žα€€် ဆက် α€žα€Š်။

produce α€‘ုတ်α€œုပ်α€žα€Š်။ ထုတ် α€žα€Š်။

Needs include

water, clean air, clothes, shelter, food and medical care.

Wants include

TV, mobile phones, games, designer trainers, computer games, sweets, etc.

Tr. Thu πŸ’–

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Funny words


Today we are going to learn 'funny words'.  (πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆPlease download PDF file here.)

Past simple Irregular Verbs

 Past simple irregular verbs forms (πŸ‘ˆPlease download PDF!)


Today we are going to learn "Past simple: irregular verb forms".  An irregular verb means it is not following the usual rules of grammar. For example, ‘eat’ is an irregular verb because its past tense is ‘ate’ and its past participle is ‘eaten’, not ‘eated’.  Likewise, 'hide' is an irregular verb because its past tense is 'hid' and its past participle is 'hid'. 

Most verbs have a past tense and past participle with –ed:  

For example, brush, brushed - wash, washed

  But many of the most frequent verbs are irregular:

eat, ate, eaten α€…ားα€žα€Š်

drink, drank, drunk α€›ေα€žောα€€်α€žα€Š်

take, took, taken  α€šူα€žα€Š်

go, went, gone α€žွားα€žα€Š်

be was/were been α€›ှိα€žα€Š်/α€–ြα€…်α€žα€Š်

begin began begun စတင်α€žα€Š်

break broke broken ထက်α€€ွဲα€…ေα€žα€Š်။ ခွဲα€žα€Š်။ ချိုးα€žα€Š်။ α€€ွဲα€…ေα€žα€Š်။ ပျα€€်α€…ီးα€…ေα€žα€Š်။ 

bring brought brought α€šူα€œာα€žα€Š်။ ပါα€œာα€žα€Š်။ α€žα€š်ဆောင် α€œာα€žα€Š်။ ခေါ်α€œာα€žα€Š်။

buy bought bought α€α€š်α€žα€Š်။ α€α€š်ပေးα€žα€Š်။

Past simple - regular verbs

 Past simple - regular verbs (πŸ‘ˆPlease Download PDF here.)

The simple past is formed using the verb + ed.

Statement: You called me.

Question: Did you call me?

Negative: You did not call me.

More examples: 

  • I watched a movie yesterday.
  • I didn't see you yesterday.
  • Last year, I travelled (traveled, US English) to Japan.
  • Last year, I didn't travel to Myanmar.
  • Did you have dinner last night?
  • I washed my car.
  • He didn't wash his car.

Past simple regular verbs.

base form + ed = simple past

walk walked

push pushed

greet greeted

cover covered

For regular verbs ending in the vowel -e, add –d.

base form simple past

hate                              hated

seize                      seized

hope                      hoped

assume                      assumed

tie                                  tied

free                              freed

Tr. Thu 

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Newspaper Jargon

 Newspaper Jargon (πŸ‘ˆPlease Download PDF here.)

Jargon (dʒɑːʳgΙ™n)


The special vocabulary used by people who work at certain jobs is called jargon.

often derog … α€…α€€ား။ …α€—α€”်းα€…α€€ား။

You use jargon to refer to words and expressions that are used in special or technical ways by particular groups of people, often making the language difficult to understand.

banking/computer/legal jargon.

~ jargons plural

Synonyms: parlance, slang, idiom, patter  

The manual is full of the jargon of self-improvement courses. 

Horrible bear

α€’ီα€”ေ့ α€€ျα€™ α€α€œေးတွေα€€ို α€Šα€ိုင်ပြောပြα€–ြα€…်တဲ့ ပုံပြင်တိုα€œေးတွေထဲα€€ တခုα€€ို ပြောပြα€™α€š်α€”ော်။ α€€α€œေးα€„α€š်‌α€œေးတွေα€€ို α€™ေα€–ေα€–ေ တို့α€€ ဖတ်ပြပေးပါ။  α€…ာဖတ်တတ်တဲ့ α€žားα€žားα€™ီးα€™ီးတွေα€€ α€€ိုα€š့်α€–ာα€žာ ဖတ်ပါ။

H‌orrible Bear! 

A bear accidentally breaks a kite of a young girl. He is called a Horrible Bear due to this action. This becomes his new nickname. So, he decides to become what he is called. However, the girl soon realizes her own mistakes and understands that the Bear isn’t horrible at all.

ဝက်ဝံα€žα€Š်α€™ိα€”်းα€€α€œေးα€„α€š်တစ် ဦး ၏α€…ွα€”်α€€ိုမတော်တဆချိုးα€™ိα€žα€Š်။ α€€α€œုပ်ရပ်α€€ြောင့်α€žူ့α€€ိုα€€ြောα€€်α€…α€›ာα€€ောင်းα€žောဝက်ဝံ α€Ÿုခေါ်α€€ြα€žα€Š်။ α€’ါα€€α€žူ့α€›ဲ့α€”ာα€™α€Š်ပြောင်α€‘α€žα€…်α€–ြα€…်α€œာပါα€α€š်။ ထို့α€€ြောင့်α€žူα€žα€Š်α€žူခေါ်ခံရတဲ့ထတိုင်း α€–ြα€…်α€œာα€›α€”်ဆုံးα€–ြတ်α€žα€Š်။ α€žို့α€žော်α€€ောင်α€™α€œေးα€žα€Š် α€žူα€™၏ထမှားα€™ျားα€€ိုα€™α€€ြာα€™ီ α€žα€˜ောပေါα€€်α€žွားပြီး ဝက်ဝံα€žα€Š် α€€ြောα€€်α€…α€›ာα€€ောင်းα€žα€Š် α€™α€Ÿုတ်α€€ြောင်း α€”ားα€œα€Š်α€œိုα€€်α€žα€Š်။

This is one of the Moral Stories For Kids: Perfection is a myth. Forgiving people for small mistakes is key to finding harmony in life.

α€€α€œေးα€™ျားထတွα€€်α€€ိုα€š်α€€ျင့်တရားပုံပြင်α€™ျားထဲα€€ တခုပါ၊ 
ပြီးပြα€Š့်α€…ုံα€™ှုα€žα€Š် ဒဏ္α€Œာα€›ီတစ်ခုα€–ြα€…်α€žα€Š်။ α€œူတွေα€€ိုα€žေးα€„α€š်တဲ့ထမှားတွေထတွα€€်ခွင့်α€œွှတ်တာα€Ÿာ α€˜α€α€™ှာ α€žα€Ÿα€‡ာတဖြα€…်ခြင်းα€€ိုα€›ှာα€–ွေα€›ာα€™ှာ α€žော့ချα€€်ပဲ။

Glossary ထဓိပ္ပါα€š်α€–ွင့်ဆိုချα€€်

Horrible α€€ြောα€€်α€…α€›ာα€€ောင်းα€žော
Bear ၀က်ဝံ
Accidentally မတော်တဆ
Perfection ပြီးပြα€Š့်α€…ုံα€™ှု
Myth ဒဏ္α€Œာα€›ီ
Harmony α€žα€Ÿα€‡ာတဖြα€…်ခြင်း

With love, 
Myanmar Teacher

MT Kids' knowledge sharing videos

Seahorse's facts for kids by Dannaryi @ Eain

Tr. Thu 

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Past Simple - was, were

5.8.21 (Group3 free classes by Tr. Thu)

Past Simple - was, were (πŸ‘ˆdownload PDF here.)

was - past tense of am, is

were - past tense of are

I/he/she/it was

we/you/they were

was not = wasn't

were not = weren't


I was not hungry but I ate a hamburger. α€„ါα€—ိုα€€်မဆာα€˜ူး၊ α€’ါပေα€™α€š့်ငါα€Ÿα€™်α€˜ာဂါα€…ားခဲ့α€α€š်။

She was in Yangon last week. α€žူα€™ ပြီးခဲ့α€žα€Š့်ထပတ်α€€ α€›α€”်α€€ုα€”်တွင်α€›ှိα€”ေခဲ့α€žα€Š်။

She was not tired but she slept early. α€žူမမပင်ပန်းα€žော်α€œα€Š်း α€…ောα€…ောထိပ်ခဲ့α€žα€Š်။

When I came, you were not in Mandalay. α€„ါα€œာတုα€”်းကမင်းα€€ α€™α€”္α€α€œေးα€™ှာα€™α€Ÿုတ်α€˜ူး။

When was the last time you were home? မင်းထိα€™်α€™ှာ α€›ှိခဲ့တာ α€˜α€š်ထချိα€”် α€”ောα€€်ဆုံးα€œဲ။

You were very special to me. α€™α€„်းကငါ့ထတွα€€် ထရမ်းထူးခြားα€α€š်။

Where were you last night? α€™α€”ေ့α€Šα€€ မင်းα€˜α€š်α€™ှာα€œဲ။

My baby was born today. α€€ျွα€”်တော့်α€€α€œေးα€€ို α€’ီα€”ေ့α€™ွေးα€α€š်။

Tr. Thu 

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Word Stories

5.8.21 (Group3 free classes by Tr. Thu)

Word Stories (πŸ‘ˆdownload pdf here.)

Many words have interesting stories about their origins.


If you panic, you have a sudden and unreasonable fear.


α€›ုတ်တရက် ထိα€”်းα€™α€”ိုင် α€žိα€™်းα€™α€›α€œောα€€် ထောင် α€€ြောα€€်α€…ိတ်ဝင်ခြင်း။ α€€ြောα€€် α€…ိတ် α€™ွှα€”်ခြင်း။

The thought of flying fills me with panic.

α€€ျီးα€œα€”့်α€…ာα€…ား α€–ြα€…်α€€ုα€”်ခြင်း။ ချောα€€်ချားα€žွား α€€ြခြင်း။ ထိတ်ထိတ် ပျာပျာ α€–ြα€…်ခြင်း။

There was an immediate panic when the alarm sounded.

~ panics plural


ထထိတ်α€α€œα€”့် α€–ြα€…်α€…ေα€žα€Š်။ ခြေဦးα€α€Š့်α€›ာ α€œα€”့်ပြေး α€…ေα€žα€Š်။

the crowd panicked and stampeded for the exit.

~ panics 3rd person; ~ panicked past and past participle; ~ panicking present participle



α€œူ၊ တိα€›α€…္ဆာα€”်တို့ α€œα€”့်၍ ထစုα€œိုα€€်ထပြုံα€œိုα€€် α€€α€™ူးα€›ှူးထိုးပြေးα€žα€Š်။

The cattle stampeded towards the river.


Something that is colorful and stands out is flashy.

ခေတ္တခဏ တစ်ဒင်္ဂမျှα€žာ ဝင်းα€œα€€်တောα€€်α€•α€žော။



ဧရာα€™ a gargantuan appetite/meal/task.

Something that is gargantuan is huge.

Synonyms: huge, big, large, giant


China is a fine pottery used to make dishes.



a china vase.


Shall we use the i.e our best china?

~ chinas plural


A pineapple is a fruit that looks like a pinecone.


Vandalism means the destruction of valued things.


α€œα€€်α€žα€›α€™်း α€–ျα€€်ဆီးခြင်း။


Popcorn is made by heating corn kernels


ပြောင်းα€–ူး။ ပေါα€€်ပေါα€€်။


A jeep is a powerful car with four-wheel drive.


trademark prop α€…α€…်α€žုံးထကြα€™်းခံ α€™ော်တော်α€šာဉ် α€‘α€„α€š်α€…ား။ ဂျα€…်α€€ား။

~ jeeps plural

funny bone

The place where a nerve passes your bended elbow is called a funny bone.




When you eavesdrop, you listen in on someone’s conversation.

Oxford Discover Book1, Unit 9

Oxford Discover Book1, Unit 9

Group2 Free classes, 3.8.21 (7-8:15)

Oxford discover 1, Unit7&8 wrap up and Unit9 (πŸ‘ˆPlease download PDF here)

Unit 7&8 wrap up Homework

Make a seasons journal.

Fold and staple paper to make a journal.

Find and draw pictures and glue things in.


Show your seasons journal in the classroom. And tell the class about it.

Unit 9 How do numbers help us?
Now write about yourself.
I have...
I don't have...

for example 
I have a friend, but I don't have a pet. 
I have a hat, but I don't have sneakers.
I have a bicycle, but I don't have a kite.

Speaking Practice
A : How old are you?
B : I am seven years old. How about you?
A : I am seven years too.

Writing (Homework)
Tell your partner about your things and how many you have.  Write about them in your workbook.

Today's words
numbers α€”ံပါတ်,α€€ိα€”်း။ ဂဏန်း။ α€”ံပါတ်။
plus sign α€‘ပေါင်းα€œα€€္ခဏာ
equals sign α€Šီα€™ျှခြင်းα€œα€€္ခဏာ
problem α€•ုα€…္ဆာ။ α€™ေးခွα€”်း။
addition α€‘ပေါင်း၊ ပေါင်းခြင်း
answer α€‘α€–ြေ
odd numbers α€™ α€€ိα€”်း။ α€™ ဂဏန်း။
even numbers α€…ုံဂဏန်:

Learn Grammar
Simple present

I have a seashell.
I don't have a seashell.

You have a seashell.
You don't have a seashell.

She has a seashell.
She doesn't have a seashell.

He has a seashell.
He doesn't have a seashell.

They have seashells.
They don't have seashells.

We have seashells.
We don't have seashells.

New words 
Swamp Noun
α€…ိα€™့်။ α€Šွα€”်ပျောင်း။ α€›ွှံ့α€Šွα€”်။
~ swamps plural

α€”ှုတ်α€žီး။ PIG
Only the crocodile's snout was visible above the water.
~ snouts plural

α€…ာα€›ေးα€›α€”် α€€α€œα€…်ပါ ထောα€€်ခံကတ်ပြား။
~ clipboards plural

Tr. Thu 

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