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Funny words


Today we are going to learn 'funny words'.  (πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆPlease download PDF file here.)

Today's new words glossary

poppycock - nonsense  Noun

ထဓိပ္ပာα€š်α€™α€›ှိα€…α€€ား။ ပေါα€€်α€€α€›။ တောင်စဉ်α€›ေα€™α€›α€…α€€ား။ ~ poppycocks plural

You're talking complete poppycock!

bamboozle Verbα€Šာα€žα€Š်။ α€œှα€Š့်ပတ်α€žα€Š်။ to trick someone or make them confused

synonym: rip off, deceive, trick

 You've completely bamboozled me.
You have no reason to bamboozle me!
polliwog - tadpole

dillydally Verb - to waste time or to pass time doing unimportant things
Synonym : fritter away, fiddle around, knock around
ထချိα€”်α€–ြုα€”်း α€žα€Š်။ ထီးα€›ောထီးα€›ောα€œုပ်α€žα€Š်။
Stop dilly-dallying and make up your mind!
Stop dillydallying over your work.
Don't dillydally - just get your things and let's go!
bonkers - crazy

Synonyms and related words - Crazy or silly, ridiculous

Adjective ထရူးထမူးα€–ြα€…်α€”ေα€žော
I went a bit bonkers when he told me the news.
The noise nearly drove me bonkers.
 She must be bonkers to do that.
 slugabed NOUN
​INFORMAL HUMOROUS: a lazy person who stays in bed late

I call my son a slugabed when he does not get up out of his bed in the morning.
scalawag: A scalawag is a rascal or scamp.

Noun α€œူα€›ှုပ်α€€α€œေး။ α€œူတေ α€€α€œေး။
Give me my keys back, you little scalawag!

Late last night, my son, scalawag decorated his video game with my lipstick.
My younger brother is a scalawag because he frequently sneaks into my room and hides my things.
ballyhoo: a lot of excitement or arguing about something, especially something that does not deserve the attention it is getting
Synonyms and related words: Arguments, disagreement, conflict
In Bangkok, many candidates ballyhoo their striking in the street.
hobnob: If you hobnob with someone, you are on familiar terms with that person.

to spend time talking to rich or famous people

Synonyms and related words
associate with

Verb ထကျွα€™်းတဝင်ပြုα€žα€Š်တရင်းတနှီးα€”ေα€žα€Š်
gobbledygook/gobbledegook: very complicated or technical language that you cannot understand

Synonyms and related words: Specialist languages used by particular groups of people

တမင်တကာ ခက်ထောင်၊ α€›ှုပ်ထောင် α€–α€”်တီးထားα€žော α€‘α€žုံး။
These are the forms written in gobbledegook.
It's all gobbledegook to me.
This computer manual is complete gobbledegook.

Tr. Thu 

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