Today we are going to learn 'funny words'. (ππPlease download PDF file here.)
Today's new words glossary
poppycock - nonsense Noun
α‘αိα္αာα်ααှိα αား။ αေါα်αα။ αောα်α α်αေααα αား။ ~ poppycocks plural
You're talking complete poppycock!
bamboozle Verbαာαα်။ αှα့်αα်αα်။ to trick someone or make them confused
synonym: rip off, deceive, trick
You've completely bamboozled me.
You have no reason to bamboozle me!
polliwog - tadpole
dillydally Verb - to waste time or to pass time doing unimportant things
Synonym : fritter away, fiddle around, knock around
α‘αျိα်αြုα်း αα်။ α‘ီးαောα‘ီးαောαုα်αα်။
Stop dilly-dallying and make up your mind!
Stop dillydallying over your work.
Don't dillydally - just get your things and let's go!
bonkers - crazy
Synonyms and related words - Crazy or silly, ridiculous
Adjective α‘αူးα‘αူးαြα
I went a bit bonkers when he told me the news.
The noise nearly drove me bonkers.
She must be bonkers to do that.
slugabed NOUN
INFORMAL HUMOROUS: a lazy person who stays in bed late
I call my son a slugabed when he does not get up out of his bed in the morning.
scalawag: A scalawag is a rascal or scamp.
Noun αူαှုα်ααေး။ αူαေ ααေး။
Give me my keys back, you little scalawag!
Late last night, my son, scalawag decorated his video game with my lipstick.
My younger brother is a scalawag because he frequently sneaks into my room and hides my things.
ballyhoo: a lot of excitement or arguing about something, especially something that does not deserve the attention it is getting
Synonyms and related words: Arguments, disagreement, conflict
In Bangkok, many candidates ballyhoo their striking in the street.
hobnob: If you hobnob with someone, you are on familiar terms with that person.
to spend time talking to rich or famous people
Synonyms and related words
associate with
Verb α‘αျွα်းααα်αြုαα်ααα်းααှီးαေαα်
gobbledygook/gobbledegook: very complicated or technical language that you cannot understand
Synonyms and related words: Specialist languages used by particular groups of people
ααα်ααာ αα်α‘ောα်၊ αှုα်α‘ောα် αα်αီးαားαော α‘αုံး။
These are the forms written in gobbledegook.
It's all gobbledegook to me.
This computer manual is complete gobbledegook.
Tr. Thu
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