August Day4 Free classes by Teacher Thu
Needs and Wants๐๐๐
Oxford Discover 1, Unit 12 Page 117-119๐๐๐
Oxford Discover 1, Unit 11 ๐๐๐
needs แแှိแแြแ ်แော แกแာแျား။ แိုแกแ်แျแ်แျား။
What is a Need?
A need is something which is essential in order to live.
It is necessary for survival and something you can’t live without.
essential แုแျแိုแกแ် แော။ แแာแแျแော။
live แှแ်แแ်။ แกแแ်แှိแแ်။ แေแแ်။
necessary แိုแกแ်แော
survival แေးแกแ္แแာแ် แွแ်แြောแ်แြแ်း แို့ แแ်แแ် แှแ်แแ် แိုแ်แေ
What is a Want?
A want is something you would like to have which would make your life
more comfortable or enjoyable.
It is not necessary for survival and you can live without it.
wants แกแိုแแ္แ။ แိုแกแ်။
survive แกแแ် แแ် แแ်။
produce แုแ်แုแ်แแ်။ แုแ် แแ်။
Needs include
water, clean air, clothes, shelter, food and medical care.
Wants include
TV, mobile phones, games, designer trainers, computer games, sweets, etc.
Tr. Thu ๐