Oxford Discover Book1, Unit 9
Group2 Free classes, 3.8.21 (7-8:15)
Oxford discover 1, Unit7&8 wrap up and Unit9 (πPlease download PDF here)
Unit 7&8 wrap up Homework
Make a seasons journal.
Fold and staple paper to make a journal.
Find and draw pictures and glue things in.
Show your seasons journal in the classroom. And tell the class about it.
Unit 9 How do numbers help us?
Now write about yourself.
I have...
I don't have...
for example
I have a friend, but I don't have a pet.
I have a hat, but I don't have sneakers.
I have a bicycle, but I don't have a kite.
Speaking Practice
A : How old are you?
B : I am seven years old. How about you?
A : I am seven years too.
Writing (Homework)
Tell your partner about your things and how many you have. Write about them in your workbook.
Today's words
numbers αံαါα်,αိα်း။ ααα်း။ αံαါα်။
plus sign α‘αေါα်းαα္ααာ
equals sign αီαျှαြα်းαα္ααာ
problem αုα
္αာ။ αေးαွα်း။
addition α‘αေါα်း၊ αေါα်းαြα်း
answer α‘αြေ
odd numbers α αိα်း။ α ααα်း။
even numbers α
Learn Grammar
Simple present
I have a seashell.
I don't have a seashell.
You have a seashell.
You don't have a seashell.
She has a seashell.
She doesn't have a seashell.
He has a seashell.
He doesn't have a seashell.
They have seashells.
They don't have seashells.
We have seashells.
We don't have seashells.
New words
Swamp Noun
ိα့်။ αွα်αျောα်း။ αွှံ့αွα်။
~ swamps plural
αှုα်αီး။ PIG
Only the crocodile's snout was visible above the water.
~ snouts plural
ာαေးαα် ααα
်αါ α‘ောα်αံαα်αြား။
~ clipboards plural
Tr. Thu
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