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Oxford Discover Book1, Unit 9

Oxford Discover Book1, Unit 9

Group2 Free classes, 3.8.21 (7-8:15)

Oxford discover 1, Unit7&8 wrap up and Unit9 (πŸ‘ˆPlease download PDF here)

Unit 7&8 wrap up Homework

Make a seasons journal.

Fold and staple paper to make a journal.

Find and draw pictures and glue things in.


Show your seasons journal in the classroom. And tell the class about it.

Unit 9 How do numbers help us?
Now write about yourself.
I have...
I don't have...

for example 
I have a friend, but I don't have a pet. 
I have a hat, but I don't have sneakers.
I have a bicycle, but I don't have a kite.

Speaking Practice
A : How old are you?
B : I am seven years old. How about you?
A : I am seven years too.

Writing (Homework)
Tell your partner about your things and how many you have.  Write about them in your workbook.

Today's words
numbers α€”ံပါတ်,α€€ိα€”်း။ ဂဏန်း။ α€”ံပါတ်။
plus sign α€‘ပေါင်းα€œα€€္ခဏာ
equals sign α€Šီα€™ျှခြင်းα€œα€€္ခဏာ
problem α€•ုα€…္ဆာ။ α€™ေးခွα€”်း။
addition α€‘ပေါင်း၊ ပေါင်းခြင်း
answer α€‘α€–ြေ
odd numbers α€™ α€€ိα€”်း။ α€™ ဂဏန်း။
even numbers α€…ုံဂဏန်:

Learn Grammar
Simple present

I have a seashell.
I don't have a seashell.

You have a seashell.
You don't have a seashell.

She has a seashell.
She doesn't have a seashell.

He has a seashell.
He doesn't have a seashell.

They have seashells.
They don't have seashells.

We have seashells.
We don't have seashells.

New words 
Swamp Noun
α€…ိα€™့်။ α€Šွα€”်ပျောင်း။ α€›ွှံ့α€Šွα€”်။
~ swamps plural

α€”ှုတ်α€žီး။ PIG
Only the crocodile's snout was visible above the water.
~ snouts plural

α€…ာα€›ေးα€›α€”် α€€α€œα€…်ပါ ထောα€€်ခံကတ်ပြား။
~ clipboards plural

Tr. Thu 

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