Past simple irregular verbs forms (πPlease download PDF!)
Today we are going to learn "Past simple: irregular verb forms". An irregular verb means it is not following the usual rules of grammar. For example, ‘eat’ is an irregular verb because its past tense is ‘ate’ and its past participle is ‘eaten’, not ‘eated’. Likewise, 'hide' is an irregular verb because its past tense is 'hid' and its past participle is 'hid'.
Most verbs have a past tense and past participle with –ed:
For example, brush, brushed - wash, washed
But many of the most frequent verbs are irregular:
eat, ate, eaten α ားαα်
drink, drank, drunk αေαောα်αα်
take, took, taken αူαα်
go, went, gone αွားαα်
be was/were been αှိαα်/αြα ်αα်
begin began begun α αα်αα်
break broke broken α‘α်αွဲα ေαα်။ αွဲαα်။ αျိုးαα်။ αွဲα ေαα်။ αျα်α ီးα ေαα်။
bring brought brought αူαာαα်။ αါαာαα်။ αα်αောα် αာαα်။ αေါ်αာαα်။
buy bought bought αα်αα်။ αα်αေးαα်။
Where did English come from?
Old English was first spoken in the 5th century.
αိုα်းααါး၏ α ိုးαိုးαှုαို αံαေααော αα်αα်။ αိုαိုαီ။
AD latin Anno Domini ααα ်αှα ်
AD stands for Anno Domini, Latin for “in the year of the Lord”, while BC stands for “before Christ”.
in the year 2000BC.
Celtic : relating to the Celts, or their language or culture
αြိαိα်αွα် αောααို့ααα် αောα်αီ αေαိုα်αဲ့αြαော αှေး α‘αောα် α₯αောα αိုα်αား။ ααα ်αα်αီ၊ αွα်αေါ၊ α αော့ααα်၊ αေα၊ α‘ိုα်αာαα် αို့αွα် αေαိုα် αော αα်းα‘αွα်။ αα်းαူαျိုး၊ αα်းαာαာ α αားαျား αှα့်αိုα်αော။
~ Celtics plural
If you are interested in Celts, please watch these videos. There are 6 episodes about the Celts videos created by BBC.
The Celts - BBC Series, Episode 1 - In the Beginning - Full Episode