5.8.21 (Group3 free classes by Tr. Thu)
Past Simple - was, were (๐download PDF here.)
was - past tense of am, is
were - past tense of are
I/he/she/it was
we/you/they were
was not = wasn't
were not = weren't
I was not hungry but I ate a hamburger. แါแိုแ်แแာแူး၊ แါแေแแ့်แါแแ်แာแါแ ားแဲ့แแ်။
She was in Yangon last week. แူแ แြီးแဲ့แแ့်แกแแ်แ แแ်แုแ်แွแ်แှိแေแဲ့แแ်။
She was not tired but she slept early. แူแแแแ်แแ်းแော်แแ်း แ ောแ ောแกိแ်แဲ့แแ်။
When I came, you were not in Mandalay. แါแာแုแ်းแแแ်းแ แแ္แแေးแှာแแုแ်แူး။
When was the last time you were home? แแ်းแกိแ်แှာ แှိแဲ့แာ แแ်แกแျိแ် แောแ်แုံးแဲ။
You were very special to me. แแ်းแแါ့แกแွแ် แกแแ်းแူးแြားแแ်။
Where were you last night? แแေ့แแ แแ်းแแ်แှာแဲ။
My baby was born today. แျွแ်แော့်แแေးแို แီแေ့แွေးแแ်။
Tr. Thu