26.8.21 Group3 Free classes
Prefixes super-, dis-, pre-, semi-, uni-๐๐๐
A prefix is a word part that is added to the beginning of a word.
A prefix changes the meaning of the word.
super- means “more than” dis- means “not; away”
pre- means “before” semi- means “half”
uni- means “one”
A. Add the correct prefix to each word to form a new word. Use the meaning clue in parentheses to help you.
1. (before) _____________ view
2. (one) _____________ cycle
3. (not) _____________ please
4. (half) _____________ precious
5. (more than) __________ human
6. (more than) __________ market
B. Write the correct word to complete each sentence. Use the picture clues to help you.
1. I am ___________ .
2. I am a ___________ .
3. I am ___________ .
4. I am a _____________ .
A. Use what you know. Write the best word to complete each sentence.
1. It took ________________ effort for the men to push the truck off the road.
2. Historic events that happened long ago before there was written language
are ________________ .
3. Did the missing wallet mean a ________________ person was in the room?
4. The clown balanced very well as he rode around on a ________________ .
5. Jenna had a gold ring with a ________________ stone in it.
6. We are going to see a ________________ of the play before it officially opens.
7. The students sat in a ________________ in front of the teacher.
8. After work, Mom will stop at the ________________ to pick up food
for dinner.
9. That’s my dog’s favorite chair, and it will ________________ him if you sit there.
10. The painting showed the make-believe ________________ running through
a forest.
1. semicolon; punctuation mark indicating a pause greater than a
comma and less than a colon
2. disinterest; lack of interest
3. unicolor; all the same color
4. superhighway; large highway with six or more lanes
5. prejudge; make a judgment before knowing all the facts
แြိုแแ်၍ แ ီแแ်แုံးแြแ်แแ်။/แแေ့แာแဲแုံးแြแ်แှแ့်แแ်
We mustn't prejudge the issue.
~ prejudges 3rd person; ~ prejudged past and past participle; ~ prejudging present participle
6. semifinal; competition just before the final one
A supermarket is a large food store.
noun แုแ်แแေแာ แိုแ် queue/pay at a supermarket checkout. ~ supermarkets plural
If you displease someone, you annoy that person.
Verb แแောแแျแြแ ်แ ေแแ်။ แေါแแွแ်แ ေ แแ်။ He'd do anything rather than displease his parents. ~ displeases 3rd person; ~ displeased past and past participle; ~ displeasing present participle
If you get a preview of something, you see it in advance.
แုံแแแ်แီแြแော แกแူးแွဲ။
We attended a sneak preview of the winter fashion collection.
แွဲแแုแ်แီ แြိုแแ် แแแ်းแို့แျแ်၊ แกแိแေးแြแ်း။
a preview of next week's programme.
~ previews plural
แုံแแแ်แီ แกแူးแွဲแြแแ်၊ แျแ်းแแแ်။
paintings previewed at the Cologne Art Fair.
~ previews 3rd person; ~ previewed past and past participle; ~ previewing present participle
A semicircle is half a circle. / Semiprecious jewels aren’t as valuable as precious ones.
Noun แ แ်แိုแ်းแြแ်း แ แ်แိုแ်းแြแ်း။ แ แ်แိုแ်းแြแ်းแုံ။ © CIRCLE sitting in a semicircle round the fire. ~ semicircles plural
A unicycle has one wheel.
a one-wheeled vehicle driven by pedals, esp one used in a circus, etc
Also called: monocycle
Someone who is superhuman shows extra strength or power.
แူแို့แแ္แแာ แแားแแ် แွแ်แဲแော။
แူแာแแ် แို့แแ် แာแွแ်แော။ แกာแ။
show almost superhuman courage/intelligence/strength.
A person who cheats or lies is dishonest.
It would be dishonest of me to pretend that I enjoyed the evening.
แိแ်แแ်แော။ แแိแ်แျแော။
dishonest behaviour/goings-on/competition.
แแ แ်แြแ်แော။ แแိုးแแားแแော။
dishonest earnings/gains.
Prehistoric means “before recorded history.”
Adjective แแိုแ်းแแိုแ်แီ in prehistoric times.
semiprecious Adjective
แกแျแ်แျောแ်แกแแ့် แแှိแော แกแှแแ်แျောแ်။
semiprecious stones.
A unicorn is an imaginary animal with one horn on its forehead.
in myths แแူး၌ แျိုแแ ်แျောแ်းแေါแ်แော แแာแီแာแြแ်း။ แိแ်္แแฟ။ @ COAT OF ARMS
~ unicorns plural
Everyday phrases
to get in/ to get on
get in/ get on (to get in is used for cars; to get on is used for all other forms of transportation.)
1. When a train, bus, or plane gets in, it arrives.
2. to enter a car, train, etc
Example sentences:
He got on his bicycle and rode down the road.
We got on the train at Bagan.
It is easiest to get in the car from the driver's side. The door on the other side doesn't work well.
I always get on the bus to work at Saydanar Street.
to get out of/ to get off
to leave or descend from a vehicle (from a bus, train, etc); dismount
to get out of is used for cars; to get off is used for all other forms of transportation.
Example sentences
We got out of the taxi and paid the driver.
Why don't we stop and get out of the car for a while?
She got off the train at the 1st terminal.
Tr. Thu ๐